“It takes years to turn a seed into a cigar, yet it takes a lifetime to master the secret qualities that tobacco conceals.”
The fine art of Cigar making has been the Bello cigar family’s way of life for over 100 years. Being one of the oldest Cuban cigar families in the tobacco industry Bellos possess immense knowledge and experience which is the true treasure passed down from father to son for generations. These inherent family techniques and procedures give their cigar blends a signature style characterized by palatable smoothness, rich flavor and bitterless finish, qualities which make cigars made by the Bello family a delectably exquisite find.
The Bello family always had a tradition of cultivating their land. The roots of their Cuban tobacco heritage reach into the 19th century when Don Bello, the first of Bello tobacconists, left Canary Islands in search for better soil and climate conditions. After exploring the country of Cuba he settled in Las Villas, a region very well known for producing the finest filler and binder tobacco on the island. Following his success in growing and processing tobacco he decided to start a cigar production on his own.
In 1896 he established his first cigar factory named after the place that became his new home. Tabacalera Las Villas started to produce private cigar labels for other tobacconists as well as the first family house brand Bello.
factories were nationalized, leaving them with no other choice than to leave the country.
Most of the family members immigrated to the United States of America, settling in Miami where Don Pedro Bello together with his son Pedro “Peter” Bello Jr. slowly began to revive their Cuban cigar tradition.
A conflict between the family and their business partner lead to a litigation in which Bello family decided not to continue and rather moved on to producing cigars of a different mark. Even that Havana Sunrise does not remain with the family the original tobacco blend by Don Pedro Bello was never released.
Don Pedro Bello was declared the winner out of the participating tobacconists and as a cigar pioneer in South Florida he was honored with a Crystal Leaf Award in recognition of a lifetime of passion, dedication and contribution to the cigar industry.
Cuba Tobacco Cigar Co. still remains a family owned and family run business with cigar factories in Little Havana, Miami, USA and Esteli, Nicaragua, Central America. Bello family, now up to it’s 5th generation, is staying true to their old standards using their knowledge and experience to produce some of the finest cigars in the world today.